
Cfx manager channels hex fam
Cfx manager channels hex fam

Direct excitation of the reporter dye provides an alternative signalling mechanism. ROX, HEX, ATTO647N, FAM) whose fluorescence signal can be monitored on a range of analytical devices. The anchor is able to communicate via FRET to a proximal reporter dye (e.g.

cfx manager channels hex fam

The intercalator (thiazole orange or benzothiazole orange) provides an anchor, which upon hybridisation of the probe to its target becomes fluorescent and simultaneously stabilizes the duplex.

cfx manager channels hex fam

Their chemical structure combines an intercalating anchor with a reporter fluorophore on the same thymine nucleobase. A new class of modified oligonucleotides (combination probes) has been designed and synthesised for use in genetic analysis and RNA detection.

Cfx manager channels hex fam